Wednesday sport is organised into three sessions:
Session 1 runs during Term 1
Year 7 participate in a variety of sports, coordinated by Development Officers from governing organisations such as AFL, volleyball and ultimate frisbee in their class groups, whilst Years 8 to 10 choose individual recreational sports such as learn to surf, indoor rock climbing, recreational gymnastics, group fitness classes, mini tennis and fitness walking. Some recreational sports incur a fee.
Session 2 runs during Term 2 and part of Term 3
Year 7 students continue to participate in a variety of sports, coordinated by Development Officers from governing organisations.
Year 8 - 10 students compete in an interschool competition known as Grade Sport. Sport options include soccer, touch football, netball, volleyball and basketball. Students compete against schools from Warringah Zone.
Students not selected for a Grade Sport team choose an individual recreational sport.
Session 3 runs part of Term 3 and Term 4
Year 7 participates in a team sport program and then completes a learn to swim/APOLA Surf Survival program. Years 8 to 10 choose individual recreational sports such as learn to surf, indoor rock climbing, recreational gymnastics, group fitness classes, mini tennis or fitness walking. Some recreational sports incur a fee.