Students participate in three school carnivals including swimming, athletics and cross country. Students have the opportunity to progress to zone, regional, state and national levels.
The school Swimming Carnival is held in Term 1 at Andrew Boy Charlton Swim Centre, Manly. The top two male and female students from each age group progress to the Warringah Zone carnival which is held at the Warringah Aquatic Centre.
The school Athletics Carnival is held in late Term 1 or early Term 2 at the Chatswood Rotary Athletics field. The top two male and female students from each age group progress to the Warringah Zone carnival.
The School Cross Country Carnival is held late in Term 1 or early in Term 2 across the road from the school, around the local sporting fields. The carnival is held on an afternoon, following lunch. The top ten male and female students from each age group progress to the Warringah zone carnival which is held at Pittwater Rugby park.
Students are placed into House groups and compete for their house at each carnival.
- Bayagin- green
- Garraway - yellow
- Woyan - blue
- Wuluba - red.