NBSC Manly Campus

The selective campus of Northern Beaches Secondary College

Telephone02 9905 3982


Stages 4 and 5

Stage 4

Mandatory course

Manly Selective Campus provides a comprehensive program for the younger school community, with a particular focus on the mandatory topic of Australian music, the Concepts of Music and Music in the Media. Students undertake practical tasks including arranging folk tunes and creating film scores, and performing works by Prokofiev as well as a selection of contemporary Australian artists. This study encompasses  musicology, listening and analysis tasks. 

Stage 5

Elective course

Music in years 9 and 10 exposes students to specific periods in musical history such as the Classical and Baroque period  as well as various ensembles and styles. Students become involved in a variety of musical experiences including becoming ethnomusicologists, composing radio plays, improvising with  jazz chords, playing an authentic gamelan and analysing scores from works spanning over 400 years.

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