The Year 11 course consists of two compulsory focus areas, a collaborative investigation and 2 depth studies.
Areas of study include:
- Collaborative Investigation - 20hrs of study
- Depth Study - 2 studies for a total of 20hrs
The HSC (Year 12) course consists of two compulsory core modules and two options:
- Compulsory Core 1 - health priorities in Australia
- Compulsory Core 2 - factors affecting performance
- Option 1 - sports medicine
- Option 2 - improving performance.
The syllabus provides a direct link with study and career opportunities in th areas of physiotherapy, paramedical, movement and health sciences.
A new Stage 6 Syllabus, titled Health and Movement Science will replace PDHPE in 2024. This will be taught to Year 11 2024 and examined for the HSC in 2025.